Saturday, January 16, 2010


I am not frightened of new ideas
but I am frightened of old ideas
John Cage writes, inspires the rest
motivates the ones who want to be the best 

I am not frightened of new ideas
new ideas bring breakthrough
beyond its horizon

old ideas intimidate breakthrough
remain at its comfort zone

I am not frightened of new ideas
though humiliation, teases reflects rejection
turn those into determination
strength; to overcome the voice of refusal
ease the stress, ignore harsh statements

I am not frightened of new ideas
if you desire an ideal change
clench your fist quench your thirst 
with water of persistence
walk out from the resistance 
reaching for the stars
you are near - the breakthrough.

Poeam created/written by Teo Pei Ching
16 January 2010, 5.16pm

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